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Equine Livestock Limited Liability Law Warning Signs |
Beware, if you don't have this sign posted, you could be held responsible for injuries resulting from your livestock/equine. The Oklahoma Horse Industry Council lobbied for and the Oklahoma Legislature passed the Livestock Limited Liability Act which protects all Oklahoma horsemen and stockmen in the state. |
Signs are 18" x 24" Vinyl and can be adhered to both metal and wood. Please allow two weeks for delivery of your sign order.
Cost: 1 or 2 signs ........ $20.00 each
3 or more signs... $15.00 each
Prices include postage
. Name ______________________________________________________________Address________________________________________________________________
City_____________________________State_______Zip Code___________
Phone ____________________ E-mail_____________________
Your sign order form and payment (made payable to Oklahoma Horse Industry Council) may be mailed to:
P.O. Box 1133
Enid, OK 73702-1133
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